Eudunda Social Bowls Report – 4th August 2023

Last Friday 4th August, the bowlers almost needed an umbrella for the misty rain which came in later in the day. Sixteen bowlers enjoyed our greens, with representatives from Tanunda, Cadell, Eudunda and visitor Carolyn Doering from Coolah, New South Wales.

The winners of the day were Rob Cavanagh, Doreen Twartz and Preston Eva, and runners-up Ted Bowden and George Mitev.

The raffle winners were Marlene Holliday (wine), Ted Bowden (chocolate), Carolyn Doering (Kit Kat), Jeff Willoughby (tomato sauce), Preston Eva (chook) and Judy Milde (cheese).

See you on the green every Friday 12.30 for 1pm for a relaxing game of bowls and warm atmosphere.
Check our Facebook Group (Eudunda Bowling Club) on Friday mornings
or ring Ruth on 0428 441744 to make sure game is on in case the weather goes against us.