Eudunda Bowls News

Last Tuesday night at a Special General Meeting of the Eudunda Bowling Club, members approved the spending of money held in reserve, as a contribution towards the proposed installation of two synthetic grass greens, and approved accepting a loan from the Regional Council of Goyder for this same project. The expenditure will only occur if the Grant Application is successful.
Last week the finals of the Men’s Championship Singles and Pairs were played. Congratulations to Singles Champion Andrew ‘Frank’ Pfitzner ( runner-up was Preston Eva ) and Pairs Champions Bill Mader and Preston Eva (runners-up Tony Scoot and Ron Hams).
The Night Bowlers continued playing the programmed games, with one more this week before finals start. It was announced that Jenny Fiegert and Alex had birthdays. Soupy ‘Anita Job’ won the meal voucher, and Mike Christie the bottle of wine.
The Ladies played Angaston in the last match of the minor round and were down 45-78. Joy Hams had a great tussle with Judy Argent going down by just three shots 18-21, Judy Milde recovered after an ordinary start against Mavis Elsworthy 15-20, and Pat Obst was overcome by Eileen Argent 12-37. It was revealed after the game that Angaston shot into the four after Lyndoch’s loss to Freeling, which tipped Lyndoch out of finals contention, so Eudunda will play Angaston again this week in the first Semi-Final on Thursday.
The Thursday Afternoon Division 1 played Tanunda at Tanunda and were trounced 39-106. Bill Mader, Kym ‘Chucka’ Schutz and Geoff Schmidt were down to Neil Stewart, Tony Edwards and David Martin.
Thursday Afternoon Division 2 had an excellent win 64-56 against Nuriootpa Gold. Ron Hams made an impressive recovery against Milton Medlow 16-28, Tony Scoot’s horns were locked with Bruce Kernich’s all day, with Tony finishing the victor 20-18, and Ron Milde and his team dominated throughout the match against Alan Fyfe 28-10.
Division 1 hosted Kapunda on our home turf and finished 78-102. The scores were tight across the board until Frank Pfitzner had a couple of unfortunate ends after a brilliant start against Linda Smith. Frank won 26-24 against Linda, Tait Rogers had a battle with Ian Otterspoor 20-23, Bill Mader 14-26 to Don Mackereth, and Chris Jones unable to hold back Mick Cotton’s brilliant bowling.
Division 2A were also home against Nuriootpa and were competitive 52-71. Ruth Scoot shot out of the blocks early, however Denise Baker closed the gap with Eudunda finishing 24-25. Both Ron Hams and Gordon ‘Kiwi’ Te.Au had a great tussle and were each down 14-23.
Division 3 played Nuriootpa at Nuriootpa going down to the hosts 44-73. Pat Obst had a great match against Marg Buckley 15-21, and likewise Marg Nietschke against Peter Flynn 16-20, and Roy Fiegert was not so lucky against Mike Sims.
Team of the Week was the Thursday team of Ron Milde, Mike Rees and GG Schutz with an excellent 18-shot win.
The Club Draw jackpots to next week.
The Club tea on Saturday night was supported and enjoyed by thirty bowlers. Thanks to the barbeque cooks Schmidty, Bill, and Mally, and Marg Nietschke for the scrumptious dessert.