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WORKSHOP – Attracting and retaining volunteers at your club – 8th Dec 2020

Committees Do Sport - Club Development Webinar Series 2020-2021
Committees Do Sport – Club Development Webinar Series 2020-2021

Upcoming online STARCLUB education sessions are available to clubs, associations & community group committees. This workshop series to work through or move forward from COVID.

WORKSHOP: Attracting and retaining volunteers at your club
Tuesday 8th December 2020 7.00pm

A characteristic of all successful clubs is that they have a culture of volunteering, that a culture where is everybody in the club helping and contributing towards its success.
In this session we show you how to create this amazing culture at your club. We show how to ensure you always have enough volunteers, how to reduce the workload on your committee and how to ensure you are preparing your next generation of volunteers.
This is a very practical session, that uses many examples from clubs and how they have successfully created a culture of volunteering.

Registration Link: Click here

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