Day Care Centre Gardens Refreshed By Hospital Garden Volunteers
Landscaping Gravel Enhances Garden Surrounding Day Care Centre At Eudunda Hospital
Eudunda Hospital Garden Committee were fortunate to receive grant funding from Goyder Council for landscaping gravel to tidy and beautify the surrounds to the Day Care Centre.
A group of volunteers recently removed old dead shrubs to make way for new hardy shrubs. The dedicated volunteers spread the gravel with the invaluable help of a Bob Cat telehandler front- end loader.
Hospital gardener Mike Prior co-ordinated the project.
Many thanks to all the volunteers Ron and Judy Milde, Murray Sauer, Roy Fiegert, Pam and Liz Kleinig, Ted and Felix Schiller and Neil Purdam for an great job done.
Eudunda Hospital Centenary celebrations are being planned for 2022
ED: Thanks to Judy Milde for submitting the article and photos. I encourage others to do the same.