Eudunda Show - Trade Space Applications Open - 2023
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Eudunda Show 2023 News – Trade Space Applications Available Now, Sponsorships Still Open – Closing Soon!

Eudunda Show have put out a call for Trade Spaces.Get in quick for a trade site as previous years they filled up quick.Click this link to find out more and apply. Find Out More About Sponsoring the Eudunda ShowClick here To find out more about this years show,Keep returning to the Eudunda Show website and…

ECBAT Tourism Promotion Meeting - May 2023
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ECBAT Working With Council Staff – To Improve Local Tourism & Promotion

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) have since its formation as a sub-committee under the Regional Council of Goyder (RCOG) to represent the community of Eudunda been continually been working with Councilors and Council Staff to improve the Eudunda Ward and this includes tourism and promotion of the township and region. Recently the…

A Young Frederick Dutton - Image from State Library of SA B-14653
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Discover The Facinating Story Of Frederick Dutton Who Was The Founder Of Anlaby

Anlaby Station is just on the Western boundary of our Regional Council of Goyder with land in the Council area. Although claimed mostly by Kapunda these days it has a long history with our area, and us Eudunda Mob like to think it is a shared experiance and it certainly is a ‘Must Do’ destination…

Capturing Goyder through a Locals Lens 2023-24 Calendar - extended
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Competition Deadline EXTENDED “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” (Closes 19th May)

The 2023/24 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries Extended and now close 19th May 2023 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? Don’t miss out, go through your digital albums and pick out some amazing photos that you have taken to enter into this year’s Calendar Photography Competition. As always the focus…

Attendees At Chew The Fat Night - Eudunda - The Doecke Shed - 21st April 2023
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Next Supporting Mens Mental Health ‘Chew The Fat Night’ At Walker Flat – 19th May

The Doecke Shed, Eudunda came alive on Friday 19th May 2023. Organizer Anthony Hart local men,“I would like anyone who missed out on our Eudunda shed or would like to meet again to come to our next event at Walker Flat. Details in the Flier below. “The shed we are going to is at a…

Eudunda Logo
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Next ECBAT Meeting – All Welcome – Mon 5th June 2023

Commencing at 7.00pm, Eudunda RSL Rooms. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?Want to find out what the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) doCOME BE A PART OF OUR MEETING! You might just want to listen, but if you want to talk give us some notice and we will listen to you….

Capturing Goyder through a Locals Lens 2023-24 Calendar
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Last Days To Enter Competition “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” (Closes 12th May)

The 2023/24 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 12th May 2023 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? Don’t miss out, go through your digital albums and pick out some amazing photos that you have taken to enter into this year’s Calendar Photography Competition. As always the focus of the competition…

Attendees At Chew The Fat Night - Eudunda - The Doecke Shed - 21st April 2023
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Next ‘Chew The Fat Night’ Supporting Mens Mental Health At Walker Flat – 19th May

The Doecke Shed, Eudunda came alive on Friday 19th May 2023. Organizer Anthony Hart local men,“I would like anyone who missed out on our Eudunda shed or would like to meet again to come to our next event at Walker Flat. Details in the Flier below. “The shed we are going to is at a…

Eudunda Logo
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Next ECBAT Meeting Set For Mon 5th June 2023

Commencing at 7.00pm, Eudunda RSL Rooms. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?Want to find out what the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) doCOME BE A PART OF OUR MEETING! You might just want to listen, but if you want to talk give us some notice and we will listen to you….

Yorke & Mid North Jobs Board - May Banner
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Yorke & Mid North Jobs Board

Are you currently looking for work or seeking the perfect candidate for your business? Check out the Yorke & Mid North Jobs Board! From entry-level positions to management roles, our Jobs Board has diverse employment opportunities for individuals with various backgrounds and skill sets. New jobs are added daily, and best of all, it’s free…

Capturing Goyder through a Locals Lens 2023-24 Calendar
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Only Short Time Left To Enter “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” Competition (Closes 12th May)

The 2023/24 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 12th May 2023 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? Don’t miss out, go through your digital albums and pick out some amazing photos that you have taken to enter into this year’s Calendar Photography Competition. As always the focus of the competition…

Eudunda Show Sponsorship Package - Cover Page
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Eudunda Show – Sunday 12th Nov 2023 – Sponsorship Package Available.

The committee has been working hard to arrange for another fantastic line up of entertainment for those who come along to the show and this needs to be funded, We invite Businesses, Organisations and Individuals to Sponsor the Eudunda Show 2023 Click for Eudunda Show WebsiteLots of updates on the Show’s Facebook Page Putting on…

Attendees At Chew The Fat Night - Eudunda - The Doecke Shed - 21st April 2023
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Great Attendance At The Doecke Shed For ‘Chew The Fat Night’, Next One At Walker Flat.

The Doecke Shed, Eudunda came alive on Friday 21st April with 85 blokes turning up to listen to guest speakers Michael Aish (ex Norwood footy legend) and Brendan Le Var. Organizer Anthony Hart said,“The pig on spit was glorious, and with plenty of beer consumed and honest open conversations the night was just what everyone…

Eudunda Logo
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Next ECBAT Meeting Set For Mon 6th June 2023

Commencing at 7.00pm, Eudunda RSL Rooms. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?Want to find out what the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) doCOME BE A PART OF OUR MEETING! You might just want to listen, but if you want to talk give us some notice and we will listen to you….

Chew The Fat Night - Eudunda - The Doecke Shed - 21st April 2023
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Men – This Friday Come To ‘Chew The Fat Night’ At Eudunda At The Doecke Shed – 21st April 2023

The night will be held at ‘The Doecke Shed’ 5902 Thiele Highway, Eudunda. (Just East of Town on Morgan Rd) @ 7pm Grab a feed, drink some beer and catch up with mates.Poor mental health is like cancer. Ignoring it can be fatal.Men Only. Come listen to Michael Aish, Norwood Footballer from 1979 – 1993.

Chew The Fat Night - Eudunda - The Doecke Shed - 21st April 2023
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Chew The Fat Night – Eudunda – The Doecke Shed – 21st April 2023

The night will be held at ‘The Doecke Shed’ 5902 Thiele Highway, Eudunda. (Just East of Town on Morgan Rd) @ 7pm Grab a feed, drink some beer and catch up with mates.Poor mental health is like cancer. Ignoring it can be fatal.Men Only. Come listen to Michael Aish, Norwood Footballer from 1979 – 1993.

SALA Eudunda Theme - Flowering Impressions - August 2023
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SALA Eudunda Art Event Theme Is ‘Flowering Impressions’ For August This Year

Flowering Impressions Paintings, drawings, photography, textiles, mosaic, 3D artEven Floral Arrangements Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Further Details to follow soon All Town Exhibition In August We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on…

Expressions of Interest - HIA Convenor for Eudunda Show 2023
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The Eudunda Show Seeks A Horses In Action (HIA) Convenor For The 2023 Show

Eudunda ShowWANTED | Horse Convenor Do you have an interest in horse competitionsWoud you be willing to run the horse section at the Eudunda Show in 2023? The Eudunda Show Committee are looking for a horse convenor at our 2023 show and would love to hear from you! For more information phone Melinda on 0408…

Tom Curtain Back On The Road With His Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Tour - Eudunda 31st March 2023
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Tickets Still Available For ‘Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Tour’ – Tom Curtain Eudunda 31st March 2023

The Eudunda Show Committee proudly bring this highly rated show for the community to enjoy. Tom’s ‘Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Tour’ is also a fundraiser to support the Eudunda Show 2023 event. Tickets will also be available AT THE GATE! Click to Read the full story on the Eudunda Show Website

clock daylight saving - end
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Daylight Saving Ends In SA – Move Clock Backward 1 Hour – 2nd April 2023

South Australians should move their clocks back 1 hour from 3am to 2am on Sunday, 2 April 2023. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on 2 Apr 2023 than the day before. There was more light in the morning. Check out the timeanddate website for more details