ECBAT Working With Council Staff – To Improve Local Tourism & Promotion

L-R: Neil Nicholson, Judy Partington, Bob Dabrowski, Melvin Zerner, Marie O’Dea, Barb Button
The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) have since its formation as a sub-committee under the Regional Council of Goyder (RCOG) to represent the community of Eudunda been continually been working with Councilors and Council Staff to improve the Eudunda Ward and this includes tourism and promotion of the township and region.
Recently the latest ECBAT Tourism Sub-committee of Neil Nicholson, Bob Dabrowsky (ECBAT Chairperson), Mel Zerner (ECBAT Community Volunteer) and Peter Herriman have met with Judy Partington (Eudunda Ward Councilor) and Marie O’Dea (RCOG Tourism & Events Coordinator) and Barb Button (RCOG Community Engagement Officer).
Mel Zerner has been doing great work for the region interfacing local businesses and community with the influx of businesses and workers who have come to the region to work on various alternative energy projects.
Read his latest report – Renewable Energy Projects Update Report – 30th April 2023 From Mel.
Recently Mel has expanded his interest in helping ECBAT by examining current tourism & promotion efforts and how they may be improved, as he is well aware that they are key drivers to supporting local businesses and the community in general to be sustainable. This was combined with further information gathered from ECBAT members to produce an initial discussion paper.
Eudunda is situated in the middle of some major tourist towns & regions in the mid north of SA, making us well positioned to be part of the tourism boom and certainly in recent years we have seen a rise in tourist visitation and participation which has been encouraging. How can it be cultivated and improved?
Overal the working document was filled with many points, 4 pages worth to be exact.
This first meeting of the tourism group have an amazing list to work from and chances are more will be added as we go onward, but they are not daunted by the tasks, setting some priorities helping them to be able to see a way forward.
Mel has now constructed an “Action Plan” to tackle the work. The plan has focused on dividing up the work with four ‘Major Priorities’ to start with, and then another eighteen listed as ‘Other Actions’.