Eudunda Business Breakfast June 2021
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Successful ECBAT Business Breakfast at Eudunda Highlight Positive Future for Region

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) were delighted with the results of their recent business breakfast, held in the Eudunda RSL rooms. Judy Partington, ECBAT Chairperson introduced our surprise guest speaker as Hannah Willson of Neoen Energy, explaining how she kindly agreed to speak to us at the very last second to replace…

ECBAT AGM Mon 5th July 2021
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ECBAT AGM Set For 5th July 2021

ANNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING Monday 5th July 2021Commencing at 7.00pmSaints Clubhouse, 29 Bruce Street, Eudunda. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?“It’s and exciting time for Eudunda”Silo painting commenced, Caravan Park extensions,Camp Kitchen being built – plus much more!COME BE A PART OF IT! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents are invited to…

Eudunda Bowls has Gone Green with grant win - June 2021
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Eudunda Bowls Will Go Green With Grant Win

Eudunda Bowls News – June 2021 Normally, at this point of time in a Lawn Bowls Club’s operational year, activity would be subdued but we have just received some fantastic news. We were successful with our application to the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing’s Infrastructure Grant Program ‘GRASSROOTS FACILITIES PROGRAM’, winning $190,000 to enable…

Community Hub & Shed with Technology During Craft & Art
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Country Arts SA Grant Helps Eudunda Community Hub and Shed With Technology

In June last year the Eudunda Community Hub and Shed (ECH&S) received a grant from Country Arts SA to purchase an iPad tablet, printer, WiFi modem and a training session to learn how to use them. They were encouraged to apply for this grant by the Arts and Cultural Development Co-ordinator of the Regional Council…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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EXCITING NEWS! Eudunda Caravan Park Cabin Purchase Project

The Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee (ECBaT) & the Eudunda Caravan Park Subcommittee are excited to announce a further extension to the facilities available at the Eudunda Caravan Park. The park currently has 8 powered sites after increasing the number of sites by 4 in November 2020. The next stage is to purchase &…

Vinnies Drought Assistance Feb 2021
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Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2

The Australian Government Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2 provides financial assistance to farmers, farm workers, contractors and suppliers impacted by the drought.  The funding provides a one-off $3000 cash payment to eligible households. Vinnies is assisting to distribute the funds.  The Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2 continues to be available through St Vincent de…