Robertstown Power Substation Upgrade – Progress Report

The Robertstown Power Substation upgrade project commenced in March 2020 but has had some delays over the Covid 19 lockdown period & also due to completion of engineering & construction drawings.
Essentially the project involves the upgrade of the capacity of the substation to accept power generated by the various renewable energy projects that are planned to commence in the region in the next 12 months. It is also assisting in the transfer of power to the new Interconnector Project from Robertstown to Wagga Wagga to be constructed near Florieton commencing at the end of 2021.
The project involves the installation of 2 synchronous condensers & associated lattice towers. Synchronous condensers are large machines that work in a similar way to large electric motors & generators. They spin freely & manage changes in system strength, inertia & voltage control to deliver a reliable power supply & with a lower cost. The cost of the project is estimated to be $30 million & will be completed in the first half of 2021.
The project has been at full worker capacity over the last 4 months & currently there are approx. 80 workers on site working for Enerven (SA Power Networks) – electrical contractors, Catcon – civil construction contractors & Siemens – construction & electrical engineering contractors of the synchronous condensers as well as a number of other smaller contractors.
The workers have been staying in various accommodation places around the Burra, Robertstown & Eudunda regions including the motels & hotels in Burra, Eudunda & Clare, Paxton Square Cottages in Burra & various furnished houses & bed & breakfast accommodation places in the Goyder region.
There is also extensive use of local food, supermarkets & motor vehicle services across the region. A lunch & morning coffee service supplied & delivered on site to the workers by a local bakery is also planned to commence in the next week.
Goyder Council councilors & staff, the Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT) & the Robertstown & District Community & Management Committee are ensuring that the maximum possible impact & interaction is gained from this project in the local communities from Burra to Eudunda by connecting the contractors to the local accommodation & food providers & other businesses. This is being done as a community service project with Mel Zerner, a former local Eudunda resident, voluntarily assisting Goyder Council & the other community groups in this initiative.
If you have any questions on this or other projects planned for the region or want to ensure that your accommodation & local business services are included on the registers, please contact Mel on Mobile 0418852353.