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Have your say – Draft Pastoral Lands Bill 2020

If you have any dealings with the Pastoral Lands you may wish to know about the proposed Parliamentary bill.

Did you know that Pastoral leasehold land in South Australia covers over 40% the state, and that the pastoral rangelands contributes to SA’s economy and pastoral industry, is important for Aboriginal culture and ecological biodiversity and supports local communities through regional employment and tourism. However, the current legislation limits the ability to realise the full potential of this landscape.

After you’ve researched all the links and information that they provide the ‘have your say’ website gives you this opportunity to do just that – ‘Have Your Say’.

Even if you don’t feel a need to have a say, the information provided there is very interesting.

The Bill is intended to replace the current Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 to:

  • reflect the modern needs of South Australia’s pastoral industry,
  • support diversification of land use,
  • facilitate economic growth, and,
  • ensure the land remains ecologically sustainable.

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