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Excellent Entries In This Year’s “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” Will See The 2024-25 Calendar Shine

The 2024/25 Calendar Photography Competition will bring
highlights of some of the great scenes and activities of our Goyder region captured by local residents.

Is your photo in the Regional Council of Goyder 2024/25 Community Calendar!

Goyder Calendar Competition Photo Review Video front
Goyder Calendar Competition Photo Review Video front

Please click on the above image or the link below where the video will play directly on the Goyder website
Play the video directly here.

A big congratulations to the Goyder Council staff for putting together the competition and this excellent presentation of photos. Well worth checking out the video.
Congratulations also to all those who entered the competition.
Don’t forget to grab the RCOG Community Calendar when it comes out so you can enjoy the winning photos each month.
Goyder a Wonderful Place!!!

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