Eudunda Show Marching Ahead

Despite recent media reports of several shows cancelling or postponing, the Eudunda Show is marching ahead. The committee is in full swing planning and preparing for the show to be held on the second Sunday in November.
This year we will again have the Army Band supplying music during the day. They are a popular group and always attract the attention of the crowd when they perform their rousing music.
Trade Sites and food stalls are all sending in their applications to the secretary but there is still plenty of room for any local business, group or individual who would like to sell or promote their products. Just contact the secretary for details.
With COVID at the forefront of everyone’s minds the committee are working hard on preparing for a safe environment with QR codes and sanitisers and ask the public to respect the instructions of marshals and follow arrows and directions where necessary.
The show will be a little different to what we are used to but we now live a “new normal” and the committee is excited to be planning for the event to go ahead.
Check out the show website
Photo of the Army Band playing at the 2019 Eudunda Show thanks to Robyn Bradbrook