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EUDUNDA Bowling Club Selections 5th-7th Oct

Eudunda Bowling Club - Selections - Header

Note: Thursday Morning & Afternoon Pennants on the 5th October 2023 – have been removed – as past date.

Saturday Pennants 7th October 2023

Division 1: Eudunda vs Freeling at Eudunda

M. Schutz, C. Ahchee, G. Schmidt, T. Rogers
P. Eva, A. Pfitzner, G. Post, A. Jones
M. Rees, J. Milde, G. Prior, C. Jones
D, Kleinig, M. Upton, K. Schutz, B. Mader
Duty Rink: B. Mader
Umpire/Measurer: J. Milde, M. Schutz

Division 3: Eudunda vs Angaston at Angaston

T. Bowden, C. Schutz, F. Schiller, T. Schiller
GG Schutz, R. Horne, D, Twartz, G. Teau
R. Hams, J. Hams, R. Scoot, R. Milde
Cars Leave: 11.45am
Drivers: G. Teau, T. Schiller, R. Milde

Division 4 Eudunda vs vs Angaston at Angaston

J. Pfitzner, M. Sauer, P. Obst, J. Willoughby
TBA, M. Nietschke, C. Menz, P. Dutschke
G. Mitev, R. Cavanagh, TBA, TBA.
Cars Leave: 11.45am
Drivers: P. Dutschke, M. Sauer

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