Easter Holidays – 7th To 10th April 2023
Friday 7 April: Good Friday
Saturday 8 April: Easter Saturday
Sunday 9 April: Easter Sunday
Monday 10 April: Easter Monday
Friday 7 April: Good Friday
Saturday 8 April: Easter Saturday
Sunday 9 April: Easter Sunday
Monday 10 April: Easter Monday
In June last year the Eudunda Community Hub and Shed (ECH&S) received a grant from Country Arts SA to purchase an iPad tablet, printer, WiFi modem and a training session to learn how to use them. They were encouraged to apply for this grant by the Arts and Cultural Development Co-ordinator of the Regional Council…
It was a week of birthdays when three Eudunda bowlers had birthdays last Friday, Saturday and Sunday – Ron Hams, Greg Prior and Ted Schiller (70) respectively. The Ladies continued to be top of the table after their good win last Thursday against Freeling 72-35. Joy Hams continued her good form winning 24-10 against Heather…
Members of the Eudunda 150th Celebrations Committee recognise that the COVID-19 Pandemic stalled the district’s celebrations, but the sacrifice was worthwhile in keeping everyone safe. The Committee have had a meeting and see a path forward, with modified celebrations and some permanent fixtures to celebrate the Eudunda 150th. Stay tuned!
Thursday the 16th May 2024 may well go down in Eudunda’s history as one of those landmark days where a major step forward for the community took place. On that evening a ‘Community Information Session’ for the proposed ‘Cowie Springs Estate’ was held at the Southern Saints Clubrooms on Bruce Street, Eudunda. Jamie & Linda…
The Eudunda Community Op Shop will be trialling opening the shop an extra day thru the week. This trial will be for three months and will start next Tuesday 23rd July 2024. Opening hours for the trial period will beTues thru to Saturday10am to 2pm daily Thankyou for your continuing support If you are on Facebook check…
The Eudunda Courier Thursday, August 10th 1922 TOPICS. On Monday evening next at 7:30p.m. in the Methodist Church, the Rev. W. G. Clarke will deliver a Lantern Lecture on “What I saw and heard in Fiji.” Life, laughter and lotu in these Islands of Wonder all depicted on the screen. The lantern slides have been…