Lutheran Worship Programme – Apr 2023 – May 2023
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Southern Saints Football Club Inc Invite you all to attend a Family Day/ Training Day at the Eudunda Oval Starting at 11am Day starts with Junior Training 12″30pm Senior Training BBQ will be running throughout the day All Players and Supporters are Encouraged to Attend Show your support for the 2021 season
ECBAT would like to wish Everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day It’s most likely too late to buy presents (as this newsletter is only coming out on Valentine’s Day, although you may be able to go out for a meal, or order some for pickup to take home to celebrate, we have some great choices here…
WEEKLY – WednesdaysPrizes to be Won – Supporting the Bowling ClubFood available from 5:30pm and ‘Eyes Down” @ 7:30pm BOOKINGS REQUIREDl Please phone 8581 1002 Jasen & Karen are happy to report a great night had by all on their inaugural Bingo Night last week. With 39 people attended the first night, there was plenty…
The Lotteries Act 2019 and the Lotteries Regulations 2021 have now commenced, making way for simplified rules and greater transparency with how lotteries are conducted. You can read more on the Consumer and Business Services website here.
Eudunda Show AGMWednesday 20th March, 7pmEudunda Sporting Clubrooms, Eudunda Oval Wanting to join our committee or just to find out how you can support the Eudunda Show?Wanting to share ideas and help organise a section or offer support on the day?Come along to our annual AGM.All welcome!New members welcome For more information phone Melinda on 0408…
Do you know or have seen some inspiring person or a great event this year? ECBAT urge you to nominate them. Check out the information on the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism website Citizen of the Year Nominations Close 21st Nov 2020