Eudunda Skatepark Site Plan - Perspective View
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Eudunda Skate Park Design Creates Youth Excitement

Regional Council of Goyder Councillor Debbie Hibbert was proud to announce on behalf of Goyder YAC that the Eudunda Skate Park design has been confirmed. Debbie explained,“Council has been working hard with BASEPLATE to bring together a design that is unique and multi-faceted. Suitable for all skill levels with multiple opportunities for long runs and…

Christmas Holiday Fun Dec 2021
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Local Councils, Game On & YAC Combine to Bring 2021 School Holiday Fun Next Week

You might have to travel to Burra or Clare, depending on your activity, but it should be great fun, ask your parents or older siblings to take you. For those it the Southern Goyder Region – the Council would like to encourage an active YAC group so activities can be run locally – why not…