Eudunda Show 2024 - Rooster Crowing Competition
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Eudunda Show Has Something To Crow About!

Show Theme “Birds of a Feather” At an earlier committee meeting it was decided to have a rooster crowing competition in line with the 2024 theme “Birds of a feather”. Already a substantial amount of prize money has been promised for what is going to be a fun competition. No hard work required just crow…

All Welcome To ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 6th November 2024
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All Welcome To ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 6th November 2024

Wednesday 6th November 2024Commencing at 7.00pm All Welcome. Find out what is going on in the community, and what our community and the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Association are planning and doing for the community and businesses. NOTE Location:- The Uniting Connections building, 24 Barwell Street, Eudunda. (virtually Opposite the Eudunda CFS on Barwell St) “It’s…

Eudunda Show 2024 Scarecrow Competition
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Eudunda Show Has Something To ‘Scare Crow’ About!

Continuing on with the “Crowing” theme (see recent adverts in the Eudunda News), What about “Scarecrows? (and Hay Bale Art too)? Click to go to the Scarecrow Competition Page on website for an entry form Click to go to the Hay Bale Art Competition Page on website for an entry form EUDUNDA SHOWThe 126th Annual…

ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th September 2024 – All Welcome To Find Out What Is Happening In Eudunda
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All Welcome To ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th September 2024

Wednesday 4th September 2024Commencing at 7.00pm All Welcome. Find out what is going on in the community, and what our community and the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Association are planning and doing for the community and businesses. NOTE Location:- The Uniting Connections building, 24 Barwell Street, Eudunda. (virtually Opposite the Eudunda CFS on Barwell St) “It’s…

ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th September 2024 – All Welcome To Find Out What Is Happening In Eudunda
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Find Out What Is Happening In Eudunda At ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th September 2024 – All Welcome

Wednesday 4th September 2024Commencing at 7.00pm All Welcome. Find out what is going on in the community, and what our community and the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Association are planning and doing for the community and businesses. NOTE Location:- The Uniting Connections building, 24 Barwell Street, Eudunda. (virtually Opposite the Eudunda CFS on Barwell St) “It’s…

Eudunda Show 2024 Change Of Timetable Announcement
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Eudunda Show Makes Change To Official Opening Time For 2024 – Come Earlier

Sunday November 10th – Show Theme “Birds of a Feather” Due to the change to judging occurring on Saturday this year, there has been a change to the timetable to allow for things to begin earlier and for our Show Hall to be enjoyed for longer! Due to these changes, it means that our Official…

ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th September 2024 – All Welcome To Find Out What Is Happening In Eudunda
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ECBAT Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th September 2024 – All Welcome To Find Out What Is Happening In Eudunda

Wednesday 4th September 2024Commencing at 7.00pm All Welcome. Find out what is going on in the community, and what our community and the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Association are planning and doing for the community and businesses. NOTE Location:- The Uniting Connections building, 24 Barwell Street, Eudunda. (virtually Opposite the Eudunda CFS on Barwell St) “It’s…

Eudunda Show 2024 Poster
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Eudunda Show Poster Released For 2024 – Hope to See You There!

Show Theme “Birds of a Feather” The Eudunda Show Committee have been working quietly all year preparing for the 2024 Eudunda Show. You realise that the show is getting close when you see the posters out and about. Red Ruby Designs Ruby Schutz has been kind enough to design this year’s poster, as tradition goes…

Eudunda Christmas Street Party Committee Are Looking For Helpers for 6th Dec 2024
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MEETING TONIGHT – Eudunda Christmas Street Party Event Needs Community Support For 2024

Eudunda Christmas Street Party Meeting Tuesday 13th August 2024Saints Clubhouse 29 Bruce Street, EudundaNew members encouraged to attend.Many Hands Make Light Work. Have any great ideas for the next Eudunda Christmas street party? We are in desperate need for your contribution this year. Without new support it may not happen this year. There’s a lot…

Vote for Eudunda as AG Town of the Year 2024 - poster
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Last Days To Vote For Eudunda As Agricultural Town of the Year 2024

Eudunda has been nominated for the initial stage of the Agricultural Town of the Year 2024. The Agricultural Town of the Year Award recognises South Australian towns that are excelling in agricultural practices and the flow on effect they have on communities. This award is proudly presented by the Government of South Austalia and Solstice…

ECBAT Committee Meeting - 2nd July 2024
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ECBAT Committee Meeting Tues 2nd July 2024 – All Welcome To Find Out What Is Happening In Eudunda

Tuesday 2nd July 2024Commencing at 7.00pm All Welcome. Find out what is going on in the community, and what our community and the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Association are planning and doing for the community and businesses. NOTE Change of Location:- The Uniting Connections building, 24 Barwell Street, Eudunda. (virtually Opposite the Eudunda CFS on Barwell…

Eudunda Show Tenders 2024
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Eudunda Show Tenders 2024 Are Open – Your Organisation Might Benefit From This Great Event

Show Theme “Birds of a Feather” The Eudunda Show Committee have been working quietly all year preparing for the 2024 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community or even individuals can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time have…

Capturing Goyder through a Locals Lens 2023-24 Calendar - extended
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Excellent Entries In This Year’s “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” Will See The 2024-25 Calendar Shine

The 2024/25 Calendar Photography Competition will bring highlights of some of the great scenes and activities of our Goyder region captured by local residents. Is your photo in the Regional Council of Goyder 2024/25 Community Calendar! Please click on the above image or the link below where the video will play directly on the Goyder…

Eudunda SALA August 2024 - Hooves. Paws and Claws
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How Is Your ‘Hooves, Paws and Claws’ SALA Project Going? August 2024 Event

Anyone Willing To Share Some Photos Of You Getting Your SALA Display Ready?Just Reply to this newsletter in your email! Hooves, Paws and Claws We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on 08 8581 1663 or 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics…

All Welcome To ECBAT Committee Meeting Tues 2nd July 2024 – The Uniting Connections Hall
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All Welcome To ECBAT Committee Meeting Tues 2nd July 2024 – The Uniting Connections Hall

Tuesday 2nd July 2024Commencing at 7.00pmNote the change of location:The Uniting Connections, 24 Barwell Street, Eudunda. All Welcome. Find out what is going on in the community, and what our community and the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Association are planning and doing for the community and businesses. NOTE Change of Location:- The Uniting Connections building, 24…

RCOG Public Consultation Masterplan - 2024-2039
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‘Goyder Master Plan 2024 to 2039’ Public Consultation Closing Wed 19th June 2024

Interested persons are invited to provide Council with feedback in relation to the DRAFT Goyder Masterplan 2024-2039. Copies of the DRAFT Masterplan are available from Regional Council of Goyder website or from the Burra or Eudunda Council Office. Submissions should be sent to Chief Executive Officer, Regional Council of Goyder 1 Market Square Burra…

Eudunda SALA August 2024 - Hooves. Paws and Claws
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Join In! The Theme ‘Hooves, Paws and Claws’ For SALA August 2024 Event

Hooves, Paws and Claws We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on 08 8581 1663 or 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics ‘N’ Things in the Main Street of Eudunda to catch up with Margaret (during business hours) orAli Ekermann on 0429…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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ECBAT Taking Action – May 2024

EUDUNDA COMMUNITY BUSINESS AND TOURISM (ECBAT) TAKING ACTION The Eudunda Community Business and Tourism (ECBaT) is buzzing with activity, working on several initiatives to benefit Eudunda and Southern Goyder region. Here’s a rundown of their latest efforts: Community Action Plan Arrives Soon: Residents in the Southern Goyder region can expect to receive a hard copy…

'Believe In Beef' Film, A Glimpse Into The Exciting World Of Beef Production & The Need For Skilled Labour
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‘Believe In Beef’ Film, A Glimpse Into The Exciting World Of Beef Production & The Need For Skilled Labour

The introduction by Lucy Moore to this story on the ‘Australian Farmers’ website might be enough to make you want to go check it out for yourself. “If you’ve ever met a cattle producer, you’ll know just how passionate they are about what they do. But sometimes the misinformation about cattle gets in the way…

3G Mobile Phone System To Shut Down Could Be A Risk To Some.
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3G Mobile Phone System To Shut Down Could Be A Risk To Some.

It has been reported that ‘More than a million older 4G mobile phones at risk of being blocked from making triple-0 calls in 3G shutdown’ by ABC News National Regional Affairs reporter Jane Norman Will this affect you? Maybe you know someone who might be affected? It is worth checking with you family, friends and…