40 - Graduating Year 12 Class
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Eudunda Area School Celelebrate Many Successes At Thier Annual Presentation Night

On Tuesday 13th December 2022 the Eudunda Area School held thier Annual Presentation Night, with families and businesses attending to celebrate with the students. With 42 items to get through, the night was filled with a sense of urgent, yet important celebrations and pride, as a year’s worth of hard work, sharing and fun by…

Goyder Business Breakfast 27th Oct 2022
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Goyder Business Breakfast – Thur 27th Oct 2022 At The Burra Town Hall.

Goyder Business Breakfast Join us for an introductory breakfast to find out more aboutestablishing a representative organisation for businesses inthe Goyder area. Guest Speakers:Jeremy Carn – AusindustryCathie Brown – Leaders Institute of SAEmily Riggs – Iris and Wool Thursday 27th October 2022Burra Town Hall – at 7am Scan the QR Code for Free Registration

Eudunda Logo
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Next ECBAT Meeting Set For Mon 12th Sept 2022

Commencing at 7.00pm, Light Hotel, Dining Room. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?Want to find out what the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) doCOME BE A PART OF OUR MEETING! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents & Businesses are invited to attend.Check out the ECBAT Website for more news

SARTI AGM held At Eudunda 2022
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Successful Trails AGM Held At Eudunda & Newsletter Includes Eudunda Participation.

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc Board (SARTI) held a successful AGM and General Meeting at the Southern Saints Clubhouse. Board members come from as far as Murray Bridge, Adelaide, Watervale and Clare and many between including Eudunda & Robertstown, representing the 300+ Kilometers of the trails and the many Loop and Spur trails, as…

Hiking Expo 3 April 2022 - logo with website and supporters
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The March Footsteps & Pedals Newsletter Released – Includes 3rd April – Hiking Expo & Local Trail News

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) provide a quarterly newsletter about the Lavender Federation Trail, Lavender Cycling Trail and the many loop and spur trails that they have developed or helped to develop across the state. This edition is the first to be renamed from “Footsteps” to “Footsteps & Pedals” in recognition that SARTI…

Agriculture Stewardship Package - YMNRDA
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Agriculture Stewardship Packages Available for Eligible Farmers In Yorke & Mid North

The Yorke & Mid North Regional Development Australia (YMNRDA) have drawn attention to a a fund which could help farmers wishing to improve biodiversity and store carbon on their farm and may find cash rewards in the future. Learn More about the pilot project here Contact Taryn Mangelsdorf for more information suited to the Yorke…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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Southern Goyder – Incredibly Busy The Last Couple Months

Editor: WOW! If you haven’t noticed, the region has been super busy with events and activities in the last couple of months. Sadly for the Newsletter – I have been so busy that I haven’t done a very good job of covering them, having concentrated more on advertising when things were on. I will attempt…

Footsteps Newsletter - Aug 2021
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The Latest Footsteps Newsletter Released – Includes Local Trail News

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) provide a newsletter about the Lavender Federation Trail, Lavender Cycling Trail and the many loop and spur trails that they have developed or helped to develop across the state. Naturally we in Southern Goyder love to see positive news of area in the news and this is so…

ECBAT AGM Mon 5th July 2021
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ECBAT AGM Set For 5th July 2021

ANNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING Monday 5th July 2021Commencing at 7.00pmSaints Clubhouse, 29 Bruce Street, Eudunda. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?“It’s and exciting time for Eudunda”Silo painting commenced, Caravan Park extensions,Camp Kitchen being built – plus much more!COME BE A PART OF IT! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents are invited to…