Terowies Curious Art Accident 10 & 11th Sept 2022
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Terowie’s Curious Art Accident on 10th & 11th September 2022

Terowie’s Annual Art Competition and Exhibition is on September 10th and 11th September 2022. For those wishing to enter you will find classes for Junior 10 and under, juniors 11-17 years and Adults with Art, Crafts, Photography, Structure/Yard Art, Needlework & Quilting (see the poster for details). Enquiries and Entry Forms contact Susie Adams 0407…

SALA in Eudunda - Birds of a Feather Flock Together - Opening Fri 5th Aug 2022
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Grand Opening Night For Eudunda SALA – August 5th 2022

Eudunda Exhibition Opening NightFriday 5th August @ Eudunda Town Hall A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS WILL CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones across Goyder including exhibition spaces in Eudunda and Terowie. Further info – Margaret on 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics in the Main Street…

SALA 2022 Promo v2
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Pick Up Your FREE Cutout To Get A ‘Flying Start’ In This Year’s Eudunda SALA Event In August.

The month of August is SALA in Eudunda and District.Please join in the fun to decorate the townFREE bird cutouts are available to the communityYour unique design will enhance our success A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS TO CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More FREE cutouts are available for collection…

SALA 2022 Promo v2
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Eudunda SALA Opening Night Set For August 5th 2022

The Regional Council of Goyder invites Artists (Individuals), community groups, farmers and school children to create art works for inclusion in an Art Trail as part of SALA (South Australian Living Artists) A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS TO CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones will be negotiated…

SALA Eudunda - Galah Flyer Eudunda August 2022
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Eudunda Galahs Will Take Off In August 2022 For SALA Event

The Regional Council of Goyder invites Artists (Individuals), community groups, farmers and school children to create art works for inclusion in an Art Trail as part of SALA (South Australian Living Artists) A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS TO CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones will be negotiated…