It’s National Skin Cancer Action Week
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National Skin Cancer Action Week – Don’t Stop There

It’s National Skin Cancer Action Week from the 20th – 26th November. National Skin Cancer Action Week highlights that we need to do more to promote sun protection. More than one in two Australians were sunburnt last summer AND two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. We need to…

Don’t jump grain producers’ fences for a canola selfie
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Grain Producers Urge That You Don’t Jump Fences For That Fantastic Canola Photo

Please don’t jump grain producers’ fences for a canola selfie or scene photo.Grain producers SA Reported,“We’ve received reports of this happening and are reminding travellers to take a photo safely…but from the other side of the fence.” BioSecurity is important for all, as a simple action such as going into a crop with bio material…

Lavender Federation Trail - Foote Creek
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2023 Australian Farm Crime Survey – They Need Your Help Which Will Ultimately Help Farmers.

The first attempt in more than 20 years to build an understanding of rural crime on a national scale was launched in June by University of New England ’s Centre for Rural Criminology. The survey seeks to gain a better understanding of the climbing rate of rural crime from the perspective of farmers and landholders….

Dog & Cat Registrations
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Dog and Cat Registration Renewals – Fees Have Changed And Due By End Of August

Dog and Cat registration renewals are set to kick off shortly, with dog and cat owners to receive their renewals by SMS, post, or email from the 22nd of June 2023. The Regional Council of Goyder wishes to advise that dog registration and dog business fees have changed. The new fees are listed in the…

Dog & Cat Registrations
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Dog and Cat Registration Renewals Due by End Of August – Fees Have Changed

Dog and Cat registration renewals are set to kick off shortly, with dog and cat owners to receive their renewals by SMS, post, or email from the 22nd of June 2023. The Regional Council of Goyder wishes to advise that dog registration and dog business fees have changed. The new fees are listed in the…

Kapunda & Eudunda Medical Practice - HotDoc Available For Patients (Jun 2023)
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Kapunda & Eudunda Medical Practice Advise That HotDoc Has Re-Opened For Patients

A recent post on the Kapunda & Eudunda Medical Practice Facebook page alerts of the online facility being available again. “HotDoc’s has now been re-opened for patients to see Doctor’s availability and to book an appointment. “A reminder when booking a telehealth appointment, you must have been seen face to face within the past 12…

Dog & Cat Registrations
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Dog and Cat Registration Renewals – Fees Have Changed

Dog and Cat registration renewals are set to kick off shortly, with dog and cat owners to receive their renewals by SMS, post, or email from the 22nd of June 2023. The Regional Council of Goyder wishes to advise that dog registration and dog business fees have changed. The new fees are listed in the…

Livestock SA welcome SA Gov Funding commitment for eID transition
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Livestock SA Welcomes Initial State Government Funding Commitment for eID Transition

Livestock SA released a media report on the 9th June concerning new livestock initiatives. Livestock SA has welcomed the State Government’s announcement of key dates and the associated initial $9.3 million funding package, to assist producers and the broader industry start the transition towards mandatory sheep and goat eID in South Australia by January 2025….

clock daylight saving - end
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Daylight Saving Ends In SA – Move Clock Backward 1 Hour – 2nd April 2023

South Australians should move their clocks back 1 hour from 3am to 2am on Sunday, 2 April 2023. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on 2 Apr 2023 than the day before. There was more light in the morning. Check out the timeanddate website for more details

Theft Alert - Warning Sign
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Theft Alert – Gates Stolen at Julia

Facebook post (12/01/2023):“Just a heads up locals, there are some dirty rotten thieves getting around… we have had some gates taken from one of our paddocks up near Julia!!!” If you have any information please contact the Police on 1800 333 000 for Crime Stoppers.

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Kapundas BankSA set to close in November 18th 2022

Many of Eudunda and district’s residents and businesses will be disappointed to hear that the Kapundas BankSA branch is set to close in November 18th 2022. The next closest branches are in Nuriootpa and Gawler

clock daylight saving - start
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Daylight Saving Starts SA – Move Clock Forward 1 Hour – 2nd Oct 2022

South Australians should move their clocks forward  from 2am to 3am on Sunday, 2nd October 2022. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on 2 Oct 2022 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening. Check out the timeanddate website for more details

PIRSA Warn That Japanese Encephalitis May Be In This Area
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PIRSA Warning – Japanese Encephalitis May Be In Our Region – Action Needed

PIRSA Media Release More cases of Japanese encephalitis in SA piggeriesWednesday 30 March 2022 There have been two more detections of Japanese encephalitis (JE) in South Australian commercial piggeries. This brings the total number of cases in South Australia to six. The latest detections are in the local government areas of Clare and Gilbert Valleys…

World Backup Day - logo
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World Backup Day 31st March – Protect Your Data

Local Computer business, Web South would like to draw your attention to “World Backup Day” Peter Herriman from Web South says,“We actually recommend regular backups, and multiple storage locations and devices, but I learnt those techniques during the early ’80’s and on mainframe systems with data worth millions of dollars (back then, imagine now!). All…

Japanese Encephalitis banner
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Japanese Encephalitis Mosquito virus Identified in SA Pigs and Horses

ALERT: Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus has been identified in samples from commercial piggeries in South Australia. JE is a nationally notifiable disease. PIRSA has established an incident management team with staff on the ground to conduct surveillance activities and to provide information and advice to primary producers. Minimise your exposure to mosquitos as people can…

Filling lottery ticket
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Did You Know – New Lottery Rules Apply From 10 December 2021

The Lotteries Act 2019 and the Lotteries Regulations 2021 have now commenced, making way for simplified rules and greater transparency with how lotteries are conducted. You can read more on the Consumer and Business Services website here.

Should You Disable Social Media Comments?
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Should You Disable Social Media Comments?

Food for thought. Facebook and other Social Media platforms have gained incredible growth over the years because they are interactive in that if configured so, they allow people to make comments right on the page (this is quite often the default setting). This can be quite beneficial for the page in that its popularity can…

Kangaroo Park Creek (off Thiele Highway) SA Water Supply Pipeline under threat of damage
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Severe Storm Hits The District

Heavy rain, Thunder, Lightening and a Hailstorm had Eudunda and district residents taking cover and grabbing for cameras to take photos and videos. The storm was quite strong, a main feature being hail up to a centimeter in size and lots of it coming down continuously for making one heck of a din on the…

Cyber Threats Alert Warning Sign
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Computer & Device Security Alert – Please Update Google Chrome

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Alert Service urge anyone who uses Google Chrome EARLIER THAN version 91.0.4472.114 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This verion is the patch to fix the exploits. Notes for this version can be viewed at Chrome Release Note.  This update addresses vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to take control of…