Eudunda Recycling Depot – Grand Opening On The 7th Sept 2024
Eudunda Recycling DepotGrand Opening 7th Sept 20249am to 3pm The Depot will be open every Saturday(except Long Weekends)9:00am to 3:00pm
Eudunda Recycling DepotGrand Opening 7th Sept 20249am to 3pm The Depot will be open every Saturday(except Long Weekends)9:00am to 3:00pm
Margaret has taken the opportunity to have one last fling with a ‘Mega Sale’. This will be over the weekend of the 7th & 8th September 2024At the Eudunda Show Hall from 9am to 3pm each day. All Must Go! So you are bound to find a bargain! Light refreshments also available for purchase with…
The Eudunda Community Op Shop will be trialling opening the shop an extra day thru the week. This trial will be for three months and will start next Tuesday 23rd July 2024. Opening hours for the trial period will beTues thru to Saturday10am to 2pm daily Thankyou for your continuing support If you are on Facebook check…
Show Theme “Birds of a Feather” The Eudunda Show Committee have been working quietly all year preparing for the 2024 Eudunda Show. You realise that the show is getting close when you see the posters out and about. Red Ruby Designs Ruby Schutz has been kind enough to design this year’s poster, as tradition goes…
We Are Hiring! Retail Management TraineeChef Apply in-store or send your CV to applicatons wil be reviewed when received.More details in the poster above. “Confidential – Finance Officer”Attention: Human ResourcesEmail: orPost: 1 Market Square, Burra SA 5417 Find More Information on the Regional Council of Goyder Website
Eudunda Christmas Street Party Meeting Tuesday 13th August 2024Saints Clubhouse 29 Bruce Street, EudundaNew members encouraged to attend.Many Hands Make Light Work. Have any great ideas for the next Eudunda Christmas street party? We are in desperate need for your contribution this year. Without new support it may not happen this year. There’s a lot…
Wi-Fi is available for visitors to the Mobile Service Centre and staff will be able to help you create a myGov account.myGov is a simple and secure way to access government services online. You can also get assistance with: Click to Visit the Services Australia – Mobileoffice website
Recognising the signs of coercive control can be hard to spot. People who use coercive control to get what they want can be good at hiding it from others, and their abuse can be subtle and targeted. If you think you might be a Carer – Or Know someone who is – please encourage them…
Express your interest in attending the 10th Anniversary of the Lavender Federation Walking Trail Opening from Truro to Eudunda over the 7th & 8th Sept 2024. We would like to hear from you if you think you would like to come to the 10th Anniversary Celebrations 7th & 8th September 2024. Come along and enjoy…
For the past 30 years Margaret Doecke has operated her Country Fabric’s ‘N’ Things shop in the main street of Eudunda. Her efforts to promote her shop reaped many rewards for the local community as well. An example being that she would often attract a bus load of enthusiastic ‘crafty’ people to come to Eudunda…
Eudunda Recycling DepotGrand Opening 7th Sept 20249am to 3pm The Depot will be open every Saturday(except Long Weekends)9:00am to 3:00pm
Eudunda has been nominated for the initial stage of the Agricultural Town of the Year 2024. The Agricultural Town of the Year Award recognises South Australian towns that are excelling in agricultural practices and the flow on effect they have on communities. This award is proudly presented by the Government of South Austalia and Solstice…
During this 90-minute walking tour, meet an extraordinary group of German Lutherans who because of faith, and infighting, built three churches within a stone’s throw of each other. Walk through the churches they built as a testament to their conviction, and enjoy a cemetery tour. Discover a unique piece of South Australia’s history for the…
‘Big Bag Sale’ At Eudunda ChemistThree Days Only – 26th, 27th & 28th June 2024 It’s BACK !!Our BIG EOFY and Andrea’s Birthday Sale are hereHappy Birthday Andrea!!!
Baptcare are the NDIS partner in the Yorke Mid North, and we provide Community Information Sessions to provide assistance to people wanting support and referral to programs and servicesin local communities and assist them with support to accesss the NDIS and conduct planning conversations and reviews. Who should attend: anyone wnting to be connected to…
Show Theme “Birds of a Feather” The Eudunda Show Committee have been working quietly all year preparing for the 2024 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community or even individuals can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time have…
Anyone Willing To Share Some Photos Of You Getting Your SALA Display Ready?Just Reply to this newsletter in your email! Hooves, Paws and Claws We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on 08 8581 1663 or 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics…
Eudunda Community Op Shop have joined forces with the Australian Heart Foundation promote walking groups in town. This is caring for our communities mental and physical health. It costs nothing and is another activity we can proudly call ours. Currently the active group walk on a Monday evening at 4:00pm to 5:00pm at the Eudunda…
We Know That Anyone at Anytime can Become a Carer – so please …. keep the 1800 422 737 number handy If you think you might be a Carer – Or Know someone who is – please encourage them to connect with Carers SA for support. Or Call Lee, who is happy to assist.Lee –…
Interested persons are invited to provide Council with feedback in relation to the DRAFT Goyder Masterplan 2024-2039. Copies of the DRAFT Masterplan are available from Regional Council of Goyder website or from the Burra or Eudunda Council Office. Submissions should be sent to Chief Executive Officer, Regional Council of Goyder 1 Market Square Burra…