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Don’t Argue With Germans: The Curious Case of Three Churches at Neales Flat – Huge Interest Shown Already!

Neales Flat Churches - Samuel Doering
Neales Flat Churches – Samuel Doering

During this 90-minute walking tour, meet an extraordinary group of German Lutherans who because of faith, and infighting, built three churches within a stone’s throw of each other. Walk through the churches they built as a testament to their conviction, and enjoy a cemetery tour. Discover a unique piece of South Australia’s history for the first time.

Dates: 11 & 25 May, 2pm to 3.30pm. 

Address: Neales Flat Worship Centre, 582 Neales Rd, Neales Flat, SA, 5374.

Price: $10 per person. (Cash payment on the day is easiest.)
Bookings for this tour are required by phone or email.

Samuel Doering
Mobile: 0477 972 630
Email: sdhistorytours@gmail.com

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