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Eudunda Bowling Club Social Bowls Report For 5th May 2023

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Eudunda Bowling Club - Social Bowls -280423 - 3
Eudunda Bowling Club – Social Bowls (archive photo)

For the first Friday in May the rain stayed away to enable the 22 bowlers to complete a fun afternoon. Three clubs were represented on the green which was running beautifully.

The winners of the day were the Pairs team of Joy Fiegert and Jan Beggs, and runners-up the Triples team of Jeff Willoughby, Murray Sauer and Ted Schiller.

Katrina Turner won the chook in the raffle, Ted Schiller the wine ( thanks to Rob Cavanagh who donated it ), Joy Fiegert the cheese and Jan Beggs the chocolate.

See you on the green next Friday.


Check our Facebook Group (Eudunda Bowling Club) on Friday mornings
or ring Ruth on 0428 441744 to make sure game is on in case the weather goes against us.

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