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SA Water – Morgan Whyalla Pipeline Renewal Creates Further Opportunities For Local Businesses

Morgan Whyalla Pipeline Photo
Morgan Whyalla Pipeline Photo

SA Water announced on 10 January 2022, that they are planning to replace sections of the Morgan Whyalla pipeline commencing in March 2022. The pipeline is a 358 kilometre long, above ground pipeline that was constructed in the 1940’s for the transfer of bulk water supplies to the Iron Triangle cities of Port Pirie, Port Augusta and Whyalla and supply to the Mid North, Yorke Peninsula and Eyre Peninsula water distribution networks.

SA Water, together with contractors, McConnell Dowell Diona Joint Venture are planning to replace up to 34 kilometres of the pipeline and most of this replacement will be occurring on the section between Morgan and Burra. The sections being replaced will be constructed adjacent to the existing pipeline and will remain above ground. A map of the sections being replaced is attached.

SA Water have advised that they are interested in connecting with local businesses who may be able to provide opportunities during construction for accommodation, catering and other services.

Further information is available at the SA Water website CLICK HERE

The Regional Council of Goyder, Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT), Robertstown & District Community & Management Committee and Mid-Murray Council are ensuring that the maximum possible impact & interaction is gained from this project in the local community by connecting the contractors of this project to the local accommodation providers and other businesses. This is being done as a community service project with Mel Zerner, a former local Eudunda resident, voluntarily assisting Goyder Council, Mid-Murray Council & the other community groups in this initiative.

Whyalla - Morgan Pipeline -Map
Whyalla – Morgan Pipeline -Map

If you have any questions on the status of the above project or local requirements or want to ensure that your accommodation or local business services are included on the registers, please contact Mel on Mobile 0418 852 353.

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