JAK Golf Day – One Day Event – 8th Nov 2020

It’s been a tough time for everyone this year, and that included the golfing fraternity and Eudunda Golf Club too.
Golfers were actually a bit lucky as they do thier sport out in the open, this can be good or bad. Over the 21 years years of running the JAK Golf Weekend the Eudunda Golf Club have encountered very challenging weather, sometimes bitterly cold and wet, with several times hail and one time even snow. Thankfully there have been many times the weather has been very kind too with lovely days. As well later in the season the club members can sometimes face hot weather.
This year golfers had an advantage over some other sports in that they do play outside, leaving them early winners in the COVID match.
From early beginnings, the plan was hatched to try run a 21st JAK Golfing Weekend if the circumstances were to improve, and the Eudunda Golf Club has decided the time is right, that with preparation they will be able to run an event as a COVID Safe one.
So here we have the news that it is on. It will be a modified event, ONE DAY ONLY! It will be a COVID Safe event – so there will be some changes to how things are done, so that the Club can keep everyone safe.
If you would like to have a fun day out playing golf, then this is a day for you. A big bonus is meeting up with some of the EX-Eudunda crew who come back especially to have a day remembering thier Dad’s & Mum’s who used to play. You are bound to hear some great stories about the old days and what people got up to.
Find out More & Book your fun day. BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL FOR COVID Safe reasons.
Tim 0436 323 009; Lynley 0408 638 762; Bistro 0413 218 123