Eudunda Bowling Club Open Day
The rain had come and gone, resulting in a fine, cool and cloudy day for the Open Day.

The day began with President Ted Schiller introducing Association President Chris Jones to officially open the season, followed by last season’s champions Judy Milde and Andrew Pfitzner delivering the first jack and bowl to open the greens. A good attendance of bowlers was present for member’s photo shoot for the ‘Leader’ to commemorate the 95th birthday of the club.
The greens are in tip-top condition for the beginning of the season, thanks to green-keeper Mally Schutz for his preparation throughout the winter and spring. A structured practise co-ordinated by head selector Ron Hams ensued, with some fine bowling displayed during the afternoon.
On this not-a-dull-moment-day, then followed the presentation of trophies from last season, in which President Ted announced each winner and donor of the trophies, and Patroness Betty Marshall and Patron Bob Leditschke presented them to the recipients. Of special note was the presentation of the Dick Prior Memorial Singles Shield by the late Dick’s grand daughter Ashlee Prior to Murray Sauer, who suitably responded by acknowledging Dick’s service to the club and sharing many personal recollections of Dick Prior. The runner-up of the Dick Prior Memorial Singles was Chris Jones.
The Chair of Selectors Ron Hams then presented an award to the most improved player, being Carolyn Doering, a worthy recipient.

A barbeque tea cooked by Geoff Schmidt, Felix Schiller and Ron Milde was enjoyed by at least thirty- five bowlers to complete a successful day.