R U OK Day 2023
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Make Staying Connected And Asking R U OK? Part Of Your Everyday

It might be a couple weeks late for celebrating #RUOKDay, (12th Sept), but start a conversation any day that you feel you can support someone near you. Find Out More on the R U OK? website

Emerging Leaders Online Sessions - You Could be the Next Community Leader
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Emerging Leaders Online Workshops Offered By YMNRDA – Sept – Oct – Apply Now!

Half of the places are already gone for the Emerging Leaders Online Workshops, so apply now before it’s too late! The workshops will be covering project management, governance, effective meetings, grant applications, leadership skills and financial management. For more information or to apply, visit: Yorke & Mid North Regional Development Australia website

Hands on ‘Hart’ Regional Intern For 2023, Kaidy Morgan
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A Grain Industry Career Opportunity On Offer With Hands On ‘Hart’

Hart Field-Site Group in the state’s Mid North is offering the opportunity for post graduateswith an interest in a career in applied grains research to apply for its 2024 RegionalInternship position. The role provides job-starters with an opportunity to kick-start their career in hands-on,supported research, based in Clare. The internship is being offered by the…

Farewell to Emma Kleinig from Eudunda Community PreSchool Centre
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Eudunda Community Preschool Centre Farewells Much-loved Director Mrs Emma Kleinig

The Eudunda Community Preschool Centre (ECPC) prepares to farewell their much-loved Director Mrs Emma Kleinig. Emma has been the Director of the Centre for the past two and a half years. “I have absolutely loved my time here as Director of the Eudunda Preschool and have enjoyed forming relationships and connections with the children and…

Have Your Say - South Australias Youth Action Plan 2023 - 26 - Poster
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Have Your Say – South Australia’s Youth Action Plan 2023 – 2026

The South Australian Government invites all young people living in SA aged 12–25, as well as youthsector stakeholders, to participate in a public consultation for South Australia’s next Youth Action Plan, from 7 June to 6 August 2023. Do you have thoughts on Youth physical health, social and emotional well-being , mental health, safety and…