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Renewables Energy Projects Update – March 2022 Report From Mel

Read about the current projects happening or proposed in our area from Mel Zerner: REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOYDERRENEWABLES ENERGY PROJECTS UPDATE REPORT – 31 MARCH 2022 As reported on the ECBAT Website. 1 ELECTRANET PROJECT ENERGY CONNECT – INTERCONNECTOR From the Robertstown Power Substation to the SA/NSW border. Electranet are managing the construction of the…

Agriculture Stewardship Package - YMNRDA
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Agriculture Stewardship Packages Available for Eligible Farmers In Yorke & Mid North

The Yorke & Mid North Regional Development Australia (YMNRDA) have drawn attention to a a fund which could help farmers wishing to improve biodiversity and store carbon on their farm and may find cash rewards in the future. Learn More about the pilot project here Contact Taryn Mangelsdorf for more information suited to the Yorke…

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Renewables Energy Projects Update – November 2021 Report From Mel

Read about the current projects happening or proposed in our area from Mel Zerner: REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOYDERRENEWABLES ENERGY PROJECTS UPDATE REPORT – 30 NOVEMBER 2021 As reported on the ECBAT Website. 1 NEOEN – GOYDER RENEWABLES ZONE Stage 1,2 & 3 – South of Burra & North of Robertstown near Koonoona Road, World’s End…

Goyder Business Breakfast - Burra 14th Oct 2021
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Goyder Business Breakfast Next Thur 14th Oct. At The Burra Town Hall.

A message came through saying that it is not too late to register (even though past official RSVP date). If you would like to network with other businesses in our region, and listen to some great Guest Speakers, then this might be an opportunity for you. Call Council 8892 0100 ASAP.

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Renewables Projects Update – 31st August 2021 Report From Mel

Read about the current projects happening or proposed in our area from Mel Zerner: REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOYDERRENEWABLES ENERGY PROJECTS UPDATE REPORT – 31 AUGUST 2021 1 ELECTRANET PROJECT ENERGY CONNECT – INTERCONNECTOR From the Robertstown Power Substation to the SA/NSW border. Electranet have announced on 31 May 2021 that the Australian Energy Regulator has…

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Renewables Projects Update – June 2021

Read about the current projects happening or proposed in our area from Mel Zerner: REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOYDERRENEWABLES ENERGY PROJECTS UPDATE REPORT – 1 JUNE 2021 1 ELECTRANET PROJECT ENERGY CONNECT – INTERCONNECTOR Electranet have announced on 31 May 2021 that the Australian Energy Regulator has approved the expenditure of $2.28 billion to deliver the…

Regional Council of Goyder Logo
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Only Days Left To Enter “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” Competition

The 2021/22 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 30th April 2021 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? You only have a short time left to go through your photos and enter them in the 2021 competition. Your photo could be in the Regional Council of Goyder 2021/22 Community Calendar!…

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Renewables Projects Update – March 2021

Read about the current projects happening or proposed in our area from Mel Zerner: ROBERTSTOWN POWER SUBSTATION UPGRADE This project involves an upgrade & expansion of the power substation in readiness for the connection of other renewables projects to the substation over the next years. The project commenced in March 2020 & is expected to…

Broken Hill solar plant aerial by By Jeremy Buckingham - photos 62459458
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Robertstown Power Substation Upgrade – Progress Report

The Robertstown Power Substation upgrade project commenced in March 2020 but has had some delays over the Covid 19 lockdown period & also due to completion of engineering & construction drawings. Essentially the project involves the upgrade of the capacity of the substation to accept power generated by the various renewable energy projects that are…

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September 2020 Renewable Projects Update

Mel Zerner has been voluntarily working with the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee, interfacing between the Energy Providers, Council and Local Businesses (from Burra, Robertstown and Eudunda) to provide as many local services as possible. Read about the current projects happening or proposed in our area: ROBERTSTOWN POWER SUBSTATION UPGRADE SOLAR RIVER PROJECT ROBERTSTOWN…