Tom Curtain ‘Good Life Tour’ Wows Them At Eudunda Oval

Tom Curtain along with fellow musicians Laura Frank and Chris Matthews and families travel Australia with their trained horses, dogs and goats bringing great entertainment to the country with their Katherine Outback Experience.
In South Australia Pinaroo and Strathalbyn were lucky enough to have visits by the crew and on Sunday afternoon 1st December it was Eudunda’s turn as they came to the Eudunda Showgrounds to present the Tom Curtain ‘Good Life Tour’.
Tom along with his trained animals gave the crowd a magical afternoon of music, song, animal gymnastics and fun. As he worked his animals he told stories and sang songs making a great show, especially for the children whom were included in many of the fun excercises. This year the pram races proved highly popular and was very funny.
Check out the full article on the Eudunda Show Website you will also find a link to a YouTube video Tom has posted of his recent visit to South Australia including Eudunda.