The Eudunda Swimming Pool – Operating Times For 2023

Eudunda Swimming Pool
News from the Council about the Eudunda Swimming Pool Operating Times.
Morgan Road, Eudunda SA 5374
Open until Sunday 12th March 2023.
Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays and School holidays) session times will be between the hours of 9.00am and 10.30am and 3.30pm and 7.00 pm (temperature permitting).
Weekends, Public Holidays and School Holiday session times are between the hours of 9.00am and 10.30am and 1.00pm and 7.00pm (temperature permitting).
The Swimming Pool will only be open for public swimming if the forecast temperature is 28 degrees or over per the televised weather report for Port Pirie, broadcast the evening before by the television stations.
The fees for 2022/23 swimming season for all individuals using the Burra Swimming Pool including spectators shall be $2 per session with no application for concessions or monthly ticketing arrangements.
For more information please contact Council on (08) 8892 0100 or visit the Eudunda Swimming Pool.
Checkout the Eudunda Swimming Pool Facebook page for updates