The Burra Show This Saturday – 7th Oct 2023

Open from 10am to 11:30pm
$15 All Day Pass to the Kids Zone Amusements
Open from 10am to 11:30pm
$15 All Day Pass to the Kids Zone Amusements
Come along to the Market4th February 2024Eudunda Centenary GardensCOME AND GRAB A BARGAIN! Coordinated by the Eudunda Community Hub & ShedFree Entry, Eudunda Centenary Gardens8:30am to 12:30pm– – – – – Bric-A-Brac, Food, Crafts, PlantsAND MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeEnquiries: Jenny 0416 253 168Facebook Group
Sandy from the Eudunda School Community Library has reported a good response the the call-out for thier beingdigital’ courses and is keen to find more people interested in courses to help them understand and use thier computers and the internet. Sandy at the Eudunda Robertstown School Community Library is calling for those who might be…
After a Successful Opening Night at the Eudunda SALA Exhibition last Friday 5th August at the Eudunda Town Hall; the exhibition has been open daily, with a steady flow of visitors coming to enjoy the displays. Everyone attending has been asked to choose thier favourite piece, and vote for the People’s Choice Award which will…
Penny Pratt MP reminds community organisations that this grant opportunity is available Does your community group engage with seniors?Grants are currently available to create and extend opportunities for older South Australians to be involved and active in their communities.Grants of up to $5,000 can pay for equipment or materials that stimulate activity and social engagement…
Note the Markets for 2022 will be held on:7th May 2022, 3rd September 2022, 5th November 2022 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue– – – – – Market News There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE…
At 11am on 11th November, Remembrance Day 2023 the community met at the Eudunda War Memorial to honour the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice during the many world conflicts. Floral Tributes were laid in rememberance of the fallen. The community were then invited back to the Eudunda RSL clubrooms for bangers and…