Robertstown Lutheran Church Invite You To Their World Day of Prayer – Friday 1st March 2024

On January 9th David Cluse wrote to the Eudunda Area School (EAS) community through a letter on the EAS Facebook page. David wrote how he has been privileged to have been the school’s Principal for the last 9 years working alongside many great staff, students and parents and proud of the opportunities the school presents…
Tuesday 7th May 2024Commencing at 7.00pmNote the change of location:The Uniting Connections, 24 Barwell Street, Eudunda. All Welcome. Find out what is going on in the community, and what our community and the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Association are planning and doing for the community and businesses. NOTE Change of Location:- The Uniting Connections building, 24…
Come along to the Market4th May 2024Eudunda Centenary GardensGRAB A BARGAIN! Coordinated by the Eudunda Community Hub & ShedFree Entry, Eudunda Centenary Gardens8:30am to 12:30pm– – – – – Bric-A-Brac, Food, Crafts, PlantsAND MUCH MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeEnquiries: Jenny 0416 253 168Facebook Group
Bob Dabrowski, Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism (ECBAT) Chairperson introduces a great initiative for local Businesses, Clubs and Organisations of Eudunda and District on offer from Rural Aid Australia through a “Community Opportunity Workshop” (and now more). Tuesday, Peter and the team met with local clubs who came to give some thoughts as to how…
The Eudunda 150th Committee are proud to announce the Art Competition and Exhibition to be held in the Town Hall for three weeks during November CHANGE TO ENTRY FEESFor our entries we are charging a fee of $5 per entrant, with up to 5 entries per person covered under that fee. Money raised by entry…
The ERCC Celebrated thier Presentation Day at the Eudunda Sporting Clubrooms on Sunday 26th March 2023, followed by a tea with team mates, family and friends. Congratulations to all. ERCC John L Mosey presents trophy to Angus Handke ERCC Senior Cricketer of the Year ERCC John L Mosey presents trophy to Jude Geister – ERCC…