Organisers Inviting The Whole Community To ‘Carols by Candlelight’ On The 17th Dec 2023

The Pool will be open for the Weekend Saturday and Sunday 9-10:30am1pm to 7pmStill only $2 entry fee per personCheckout the Eudunda Swimming Pool Facebook page for updates
It certainly was cold in the Eudunda Area on the night of Tuesday 20th when Channel 7 television gives Eudunda a mention on Wednesday night for being one of the coldest overnight minimum temperatures. We were not the coldest with Loxton topping the list at -1.2 degrees.Eudunda was equal second with Renmark at -0.9 degrees….
Baptcare are the NDIS partner in the Yorke Mid North, and we provide Community Information Sessions to provide assistance to people wanting support and referral to programs and servicesin local communities and assist them with support to accesss the NDIS and conduct planning conversations and reviews. Who should attend: anyone wnting to be connected to…
Show Theme “Birds of a Feather” The Eudunda Show Committee have been working quietly all year preparing for the 2024 Eudunda Show. You realise that the show is getting close when you see the posters out and about. Red Ruby Designs Ruby Schutz has been kind enough to design this year’s poster, as tradition goes…
At the Regional Showcase Awards Celebration Event, held on Thursday 9 November many awards were presented. A large contingent of Eudunda people attended as they awaited the results of the SA Agricultural town of the Year to be announced. Congratulations to Wuddina who were announced this year’s winner, with Bordertown and Eudunda being the two…
The Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Management Committee will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 10th August, 2021, at the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery,19 Bruce Street, Eudundabeginning at 9a.m. sharp. All are welcome to attend, but to comply with current social-distancing measures if you wish to attend please RSVPto the Chairperson of the Committee…