‘Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Tour’ – Tom Curtain Eudunda 31st March 2023

Congratulations! The winner of the $500 prize is R Pfitzner of Eudunda SA. This was for purchasing a Silo Art Wall Calendar 2023. The Eudunda Silo Art earned a place in this year’s 2023 Calendar, a great accolade for the amazing work done by artist Sam Brooks, for the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee…
Tuesday, 8 August 2023Starting At 9amAt 17-19 Bruce Street, Eudunda Are you interested in tourism or history and would like to contribute to our community?We encourage you to join our committee!If you would be interested in filling a position, please send notify in writing by 5 August 2023. For enquiries, please contactDot Bonner, ChairpersonMobile: 0407…
Looking for seasonal work? There are plenty of opportunities around South Australia for those new to farm work. Check it out Website: Regional Work SA website @PrimaryIndustriesAndRegionsSA #GetASeasonalJobSA
Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism (ECBAT) congratulate SSkids Tyres & Mechanical – on joining ECBAT and investing in our community. ECBAT encourage all local businesses to join as Business Members. ECBAT will place your advert in the ECBAT Business Directory on the ECBAT Website, and display your information (similarly to above), as well as on…
Come along to the First Market for 2023:4th February 2023COME AND GRAB A BARGAIN! Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue– – – – – Market News There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE…
Join the Eudunda Lutheran Church, Congregation and Pastor Jacob Fabich for Worship MAUNDY THURSDAY this Thursday 28th March 2024 atEudunda Lutheran Church, 7.30 p.m. Holy Communion and Parish Service by Pastor Jacob Fabich. Download the April Worship Programme