Massive Operation Requires Changes To Wind Turbine Transport Into Jan 2024 For Goyder South

The new transport route for the delivery of the wind turbines will be Horrocks and Barrier Hwy.
Blades and towers will depart from Port Adelaide at 4am and should reach teh Goyder South site around 9:30am. these larger loads travel up to Hanson, turn around, then proceed to Porter Lagoon Road. These loads reach 72m in length. The machine head is a smaller component, with a length of some 30m and will depart at 9am and arrive on side around noon. This route will continue to be used until the end of January 2024. Subsequent delivery routes from February 2024 to September 2024 will be assessed and communicated accordingly.
Please note: If you see a pilot or Police escort vehicle approach, slow down. If driving behind an oversize load do not pass until given instructions