Lutheran Worship Programme – January 2021
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
This one is for Worship Programme December 2020 – January 2021.
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
This one is for Worship Programme December 2020 – January 2021.
Eudunda Night Bowlsbegins on Wednesday 4th November at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Please contact Jeff Willoughby, Carolyn Doering or John Milde for any further information.
The Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Management Committee invite you to the The Book Launch – ‘The first 25 years’ Samuel Doering, with the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery.On Sunday, 19th May, 2024, at the Eudunda Hall, 27 Bruce Street, Eudunda.The event will be part of the South Austalian History FestivalALL WELCOME Check out the Eudunda Family…
ANZAC Morning Service – Robertstownat the Robertstown War Memorial9:00am BBQ afterward,All WelcomeBYO Seat
Eudunda is one of the 3 finalists for the 2023 Agricultural Town of the Year Awards!!!! AG TOWN OF THE YEAR AWARDS JUDGES VISIT EUDUNDA – THURSDAY – 28th September 2023 Only one day to go before the judges of the 2023 Agricultural Town of the Year awards arrive in Eudunda. A full itinerary has…
The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are excited to report a steady flow of locals and visitors coming to see their Eudunda Silo Art Project taking shape. You are welcome to go and watch the painting unfold. There is plenty of room to park either off Railway Parade, in the new car park,…
Eudunda Community Hub & Shed There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Bric-A-Brac, Sausage SizzleAND MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeEnquiries: Julie 0427 749 729, Ruth 08 8581 1929 Some tables available on request – if pre-booked.