Lutheran Worship Programme For June 2023 And July 2023

Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Eudunda Skate Park – Official Opening will be on Saturday the 3rd February 2024. With FREE Skating Workshops, Prizes and GiveawaysA BBQ Lunch and lots of funAll Ages Welcome!Come Celebreat with YAC on this great occasion.Further info from Regional Council of Goyder 08 8892 0100
Join Goyder YAC today YAC is a volunteer committee for young people aged 12 – 25 who are passionate about their community + live/work/study/volunteers in the Regional Council of Goyder area. WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? To join the YAC – Contact Council’s Community Engagement Officer on 08 8892 0100 or email council #goyderyac #yac…
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parishfor sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’ Click for Worship Programme Aug 2023 – Sep 2023 (PDF). The Church web page is here
It was a week of birthdays when three Eudunda bowlers had birthdays last Friday, Saturday and Sunday – Ron Hams, Greg Prior and Ted Schiller (70) respectively. The Ladies continued to be top of the table after their good win last Thursday against Freeling 72-35. Joy Hams continued her good form winning 24-10 against Heather…
Available for local sporting or community groups that have some great project ideas? Do you need financial support to make it a reality? Have you considered applying for Ward Funding? The Regional Council of Goyder provides assistance to local community groups through the Sport and Recreation Fund and Capital Projects Fund where each ward is…
“EUDUNDA BOWLERS GET THE RUST OFF THEIR BOWLS READY FOR THE FIRST MATCH OF THE KAPUNDA WINTER CUP” Last Sunday afternoon 9th August, a warm and congenial atmosphere pervaded over the AGM. President Ted Schiller welcomed 30 members beginning the meeting with a minute’s silence to honour recently departed member Deadra Leditschke. Ted presented his…