Lutheran Worship Programme – Feb 2023 – Mar 2023

Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Do you care for a family member or friend? Carers SA presents 5 Ways to Wellbeing:introducing you to five simple and effective ways to improve your psychological and emotional health.Tuesday 13th July10—2pmEudunda Golf Club, EudundaSouthern End of Eudunda Oval off Thiele Highwaythru Pfitzner Pioneer Memorial Gates and straight aheadaround the oval to Southern End.Contact:Cathy on…
Eudunda has been nominated for the initial stage of the Agricultural Town of the Year 2024. The Agricultural Town of the Year Award recognises South Australian towns that are excelling in agricultural practices and the flow on effect they have on communities. This award is proudly presented by the Government of South Austalia and Solstice…
Come along to the 10th Anniversary of the Lavender Federation Walking Trail Opening from Truro to Eudunda Celebrations over the 7th & 8th Sept 2024. Various things to do including a bus tour. All welcome even if you are not that fit as we have a short walk and also a bus tour to celebrate…
A rather bewildering vote by Council seems to squash any likelihood of a fair chance to review for Eudunda Electors. At the Regional Council of Goyder Council Meeting on Tuesday 15th December 2020, Eudunda Ward Councilor Peter Schiller asked a series of questions to try clarify the statistics put forward in the Representation Options Paper…
On the on 15 November 2020 Eudunda celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Unveiling of the Colin Thiele Sculpture and Colin Thiele’s 100th Birthday. A midday start for the free BBQ had a very hot and extremely windy start, luckily the Eudunda Centenary Gardens affords good protection. This year, even though COVID-19 restrictions were much…
The Eudunda Community Preschool Centre (ECPC) prepares to farewell their much-loved Director Mrs Emma Kleinig. Emma has been the Director of the Centre for the past two and a half years. “I have absolutely loved my time here as Director of the Eudunda Preschool and have enjoyed forming relationships and connections with the children and…