Lutheran Church Worship Programme For Jan. and Feb. 2025…
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudundaat the Eudunda War MemorialGunn Street, Eudunda6:15am for 6:30am Service It is hoped that theTraditional Eudunda Dawn Servicewill be on this year.All WelcomeThis year it is also hoped that the traditionalParade down to the RSL Clubwill be on againas well as a cuppa at the clubrooms Note that there may be…
Young Eudunda boy Jackson Chenoweth is passionate to help make Eudunda become a ‘Tidy Town’ and has been gaining praise far and wide. “I like to spend my free time picking up rubbish in Eudunda to make our town beautiful and clean and removal of this rubbish also helps our wild life. “Thank for your…
January 2021! Happy New Year! Let’s hope it is a better one for everyone.Australia Day is the inspiration for the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery’s window dresser this month. Volunteer and Committee Member Delilah Balmer has create a simple, patriotic and typical old style Australian Picnic window display again this month. Well Done! There is also a…
Members of the Eudunda 150th Celebrations Committee recognise that the COVID-19 Pandemic stalled the district’s celebrations, but the sacrifice was worthwhile in keeping everyone safe. The Committee have had a meeting and see a path forward, with modified celebrations and some permanent fixtures to celebrate the Eudunda 150th. You will receive TWO Fliers wrapped together…
There is lots more news happening in the Goyder region. You can catch up with some of it by visiting the Regional Council of Goyder’s newsletter too! The link is to the most recent one. ‘What’s Happening In Goyder’
The ladies travelled to Tanunda and competed very strongly with the home side, even though a result of 59-69 was realised. Joy Hams was trailing in a big margin early in the game, but fought back in her usual style to finish 17-23 to Sue Yates; likewise Ruth Scoot encountered tough opposition in Christina Doecke,…