Goyder Chamber of Commerce – 31st Jan 2023 Planning Workshop
Join the next phase of establishing the Goyder Chamber of Commerce on Tues 31st Jan 2023 at the Robertstown Hall
10am to 11am.

Do you know or have seen some inspiring person or a great event this year? Each year the Regional Council of Goyder seeks nominations from the Goyder community.On the 1st October 2020 you are asked as community members, and groups, to nominate someone who makes a real difference in your town and to give them…
Join the Carers SA Eudunda Group WEDNESDAY June 8th 2022TIME: 10:00 amWHERE: Eudunda Community Hub & ShedRSVP Lee 0455 445 524 Hear from guest speaker about Mental Health First Aid in various settings and what courses and discounts are available. Carer’s need support too and Carers SA Australia & Carers Gateway is there to support…
The event will start and finish at Kapunda – South Australia, Kapunda Trotting Track, Hancock Road. The track is traditionally held secret until the running of the event but we are aware that a fair bit of the action will be in the Eudunda area as well. Everyone is welcome to come spectate but please…
Make a date on Easter Monday for the Manoora Hall Market 9am – 3pmWaymouth Street / Barrier Highway, Manoora.Under cover & outside sites and a wide variety of stalls with a selection of Fresh Bread & Rolls, Hot Food ~ Tea ~ Coffee ~ Cool drinks. For Further Information, Contact: 8848 4330 or 8848 4315…
Come along to the Market4th November 2023At The New Venue – Eudunda Centenary GardensCOME AND GRAB A BARGAIN! Coordinated by the Eudunda Community Hub & ShedFree Entry, New Venue – Eudunda Centenary Gardens8:30am to 12:30pm– – – – – Bric-A-Brac, Food, Crafts, PlantsAND MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeEnquiries: Jenny 0416 253 168
A Celebration on Sunday 16 April 2023 to be held from 2pm to 6pmat the Robertstown Peace Hall,will featureEntetainment provide withPeter Goers OAM and Anne Wills The event will be held in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of theRobertstown Primary School For any queries please ring Maureen 0428 817 122