Friends Of The Gallery Celebrate Successful Year For Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery
Five Life Memberships Awarded
Recognition of the early and long service by Blat Goulder, Yvonne Schulz, Marcus Reseigh, Elaine Leditschke and Dot Bonner came in the form of awards for Life Membership to these five individuals who were the pioneers of the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery. Thier work and dedication has helped the gallery get to the positive position it is today.

L-R: Blat Goulder, Yvonne Schulz, Marcus Reseigh, Elaine Leditschke with Chairpeson Dot Bonner
It should be noted that the Commitee had also awarded Dot Bonner Life Membership too.
Committee Celebrate 25th Year at the ‘Friends of the Gallery’
I holding true to the tradition for the event, Eudunda’s Citizen of the Year, Deb Koodrin this years award winner cut the 25th Birthday Cake.

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Committee Chairperson, Dot Bonner told the gathering of some 50 Friends of The Gallery about all the exciting and successful things that had happened during the previous year, and of the items in progress and planned for the coming year.

Alison Schutz was awarded a special Honary Membership to Frineds of the Gallery for her great help with Grant writing by Dot Bonner. Many thanks to Alison.

(Ed – Sorry Photo is blurry)
Janet and Sue Scafe gave the gathering a very interesting story about early publicans to the Eudunda Hotel. The little know story was of ‘Otto and Margaret Radestock Forgotten Puclicans of the Eudunda Hotel’.

What a facisnating insight into the personal lives of some of our early pioneers, thier successes and struggles. A fantastic presentation!
The morning was finished off with some delicious sandwiches, cakes and sweets catered for by the dedicated ladies of the Heritage Committee.
The ‘Friends Of The Gallery’ is one way people can be involved in the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery if they can’t be a committee member or volunteer of the gallery.
Your Membership will support the gallery committee in thier effortst to maintain and advance the gallery, and other benefits and you will also recieve the informative ‘Gustav Newsletter’ which has stories and also event notifications. A yearly membership only costs $15.00 – which we think is great value.
Want to find out more? Call in to the Gallery during open times, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 10am to 2pm, or contact us from the website or