Eudunda Show 2023 – New Scarecrow & Hay Bale Art Competitions Entries Open Now!
Show Theme “Looking Forward – Looking Back”

See the website for Scarecrow Competition – Info & Entry Forms

South Australians should move their clocks back 1 hour from 3am to 2am on Sunday, 7 April 2024. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on 7 Apr 2024 than the day before. There was more light in the morning. Check out the timeanddate website for more details
Do you know or have seen some inspiring person or a great event this year? Each year the Regional Council of Goyder seeks nominations from the Goyder community.On the 1st October 2020 you are asked as community members, and groups, to nominate someone who makes a real difference in your town and to give them…
Helen Dominish one of the creators of the Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) which is a cycling trail going from Clare to Murray Bridge says, “It’s getting quite busy on the M2C Lavender Cycling Trail at the moment. “Last Sunday 14 cyclists visited Eudunda from Adelaide to ride along the Lavender Cycling Trail to Inspiration Point,…
Wednesday 6th November 2024Commencing at 7.00pm Please Note the change of location. ECBAT Committee Meeting Next – Wednesday 6th November 2024SOUTHERN SAINTS CLUBHOUSE, 24 Bruce Street, Eudunda – 7pm All Welcome. WE HAVE TWO GUEST SPEAKERSJulie Jansen – Masterplan – Re Eudunda Town Plan Community Consultation Belinda Heindrich – Regional Council of Goyder Tourism Officer The…
Join us on Wednesday’s from 3.15pm(2pm in School Holidays)For Fun, Frivolity, Friendship!Tea/coffee – no charge Enquiries: 08 8581 1587 Games:Chess, Backgammon, Mahjong,Canasta, Cards, Sequence,Quirkle, Rummikub, Scrabble, Checkers.
On December 2nd 1920, when in the presence of a large gathering Governor Sir Archibald Weigall laid the foundation stone for the Eudunda Hospital. At last the residents of the district could see the progress that their money and effort had achieved and in imagination they could visualise the end result – a house of…