Eudunda Railway Carriage In Centenary Gardens Restored By Volunteers

L-R Peter Bonner & Willy Stalder
The Eudunda Railway Carriage, which sits proudly in the Eudunda Centenary Gardens, has been restored, thanks to the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery and locals Peter Bonner, Willy Stalder, Geoff Busch & Jason Pfitzner.
The carriage was donated to the Eudunda Community by the Toune Family back in 1997. During that time the carriage deteriorated due to sitting out in the weather.
The locals did not want to see this piece of history be removed from the gardens due to its unsafe nature, so they decided a restoration be undertaken. Ultimate Engineering kindly donated the steel which was used to replace the roof, gutters, engine covers and floor. With a fresh coat of paint, the carriage is now looking like new.
Make sure you check it out next time you visit the Eudunda Centenial Gardens (often called Colin Thiele Gardens).
The volunteers are working with Council to erect a canopy structure over the carriage, to ensure its preservation for the future.