Eudunda Community Op Shop – You Are Welcome To Opening Today 17th Feb 2021 At 10am

The night will be held at ‘The Doecke Shed’ 5902 Thiele Highway, Eudunda. (Just East of Town on Morgan Rd) @ 7pm Grab a feed, drink some beer and catch up with mates.Poor mental health is like cancer. Ignoring it can be fatal.Men Only. Come listen to Michael Aish, Norwood Footballer from 1979 – 1993.
APPLICATIONS OPEN NOWYou could be eligible for a rebate of up to 50% on your council rates, if you’re a primary producer in South Australia and receiving Farm Household Allowance.Find out more at PIRSA website#SouthAustralia #LivestockSA
Samuel Doering (Chairperson Eudunda 150th Celebrations) was very pleased to announce that her Excellency the Honorable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia and Mr Rod Bunten will be opening the Eudunda 150 Programme on the Opening Night on the 5th November 2021. Please note we are currently unable to accept any more ticket reservations…
A much loved trolley for the Eudunda Hostel Residents and Staff was in a terrible way and the Eudunda Community Hub & Shed volunteers were asked if they could restore it. The result can be seen as the trolley has been lovingly and skillfully attended to by the Volunteers from the Hub. Ruth Parry, Lifestyle…
The committee has been working hard to arrange for another fantastic line up of entertainment for those who come along to the show. Rev it up Racing will be back with their racing car simulators that suit all ages and Connor Hogan will be doing demonstrations throughout the day showing what can be achieved on…
On property inspection day Monday August 30, 10am to 4pm. The Grosser family of Eudunda were pleased to offer 45 rams at their 2021 Ram sale at Narcoota, Eudunda. Additionally there will be an on property inspection day Monday August 30, 10am to 4pm. More information about their rams will be available from the website…