Eudunda Christmas Party – AGM 18th May 2023

Eudunda Christmas Party AGM
Thursday 18th May 2023
7pm at the Light Hotel
1 Bruce Street, Eudunda
Jamie-Lee Dunn writes,
“Hey Everyone, due to illness I have had to postpone the 2nd AGM till the 18th of May.
We need at least 6 other members including Secretary and ECBAT rep, Street Decorations (would like at least 4 people 2 for Eudunda and 1 rep from Robbie and Pointy), Marketing and Media (Facebook and contacting media and print, etc).
“If we do not fill these positions, the Christmas Party will be canceled unfortunately until a full committee can be formed.
“It takes a great deal of time and commitment from our volunteers to make this event successful year after year, so would be great to see some new faces at the next meeting, and thank you to my existing committee members, you guys are stars!”
Volunteers unable to attend
General Meetings yet Keen to
Assist are encouraged to Attend