Eudunda Bowls Presentation Night 2021

The finale of the season took place last Saturday with the Presentation Night. President Ted Schiller welcomed almost forty bowlers and friends who were treated to a complimentary glass of champagne/orange on arrival. A barbeque tea cooked by Des Twartz and Neil Purdam, and served by Chris Purdam was well received, together with the sumptuous dessert of apple charlotte pudding cooked by Margaret Nietschke.
The Ladies trophies presented by Patroness Betty Marshall were as follows: 100-Up winner Joy Hams, 100 -Up runner-up Pam Dutschke, Championship Pairs winners Judy Milde/ Ruth Scoot, Pairs runners-up Joy Hams/Pam Dutschke, Championship Singles winner Pam Dutschke, Singles runner-up Joy Hams.
The Men’s trophies presented by Patron Bob Leditschke were as follows: 100-Up winner Mally Schutz, 100-Up runner-up Ted Schiller, Championship Pairs winners Bill Mader/Preston Eva, Pairs runners-up Tony Scoot/Ron Hams, Championship Singles winner Andrew Pfitzner, Singles runner-up Preston Eva.
Night Bowls Triples Top 8 winners were Dean Handke, Karl Milde, Jake Pfitzner, Top 8 runners-up Wendy Schmidt, Neil Eberhard, Ron Dunsdon. Bottom 8 winners were Carolyn Doering, Liz Kleinig, Pam Kleinig.
Ron Hams presented the Most Improved Player award to promising young bowler Daniel Doering.
The raffle was drawn by Chris Jones with much hilarity and animation as the many prizes were claimed by the gathering.
The special raffle with tickets being sold throughout the season for a beautiful quilt realized over $300 for the Eudunda Bowling Club. The material for the quilt had been purchased by the late Deadra Leditschke, and was beautifully made by Deadra’s friend Mary Laucke, who selflessly donated the quilt to the Eudunda Bowling Club in memory of Deadra. The raffle was drawn by Bob Leditschke and was won by Eudunda bowler Ron Hams.
The Annual General Meeting of the Eudunda Bowling Club is on Monday 3rd May at 7.30pm.