Eudunda Bowls News

The Ladies had a bye, which enabled the Ladies Championship Pairs final to be played. Ruth Scoot/ Judy Milde emerged the winners after Pam Dutschke/Joy Hams had a good start. Ruth and Judy will represent Eudunda Bowling Club in the Pairs at the Association Championships at Lyndoch on Monday 8th March. Pam Dustchke is our Singles Champion to play in the Singles at the Association Championships on Sunday 7th March at Lyndoch.
Thursday afternoon Division 1 played Kapunda at Eudunda in a close contest 58-65. Bill Mader continued his fine form 24-19 to Kevin Absolom, Murray Sauer clinched a win 20-19 against Greg Cruickshank, and Geoff Schmidt was 14-27 to the formidable Don Mackereth.
Thursday afternoon Division 2 ( Dad’s army ) played Tanunda White on their carpet and came home ecstatic with a great win 84-44. Ron Hams won 32-15 against John Moore, Tony Scoot played solidly to be 25-18 against Greg Lightburn, and Roy Fiegert excelled with a 27-11 win against Murray Menzel.
On Thursday night, the Eudunda Red Cross had a fundraiser at the bowling club, which is an annual event. Thirty bowlers played two games of eight ends on a very warm evening. The Red Cross ladies catered with a beautiful supper Covid style, and Kathy Zerner conducted an animated chocolate-bat selling session, followed by the drawing of the raffle with the help of Murray Sauer. There was an explosion of laughter and cheers when the Electrical contractors won the majority of the raffle prizes in an emotion-charged clubhouse! The winners of the bowls were Colin Menz, GG Schutz and Mally Schutz, and runners-up John Milde, Henry Schutz and Ted Schiller.
Division 1 played Lyndoch at Lyndoch and were outdone 85-114. The shining light was Tait Rogers and his team who won 36-9 against Darren Green, while Frank, Bill and CJ were down to Harry Sykes, Matt Jones and Wayne Williams.
Division 2A played Angaston on our home turf and also came second 52-85. Ron Hams, Gordon ‘Kiwi’ Te.Au and Ruth Scoot were down to Dave Wilson, Brian Teakle and Eileen Argent.
Division 3 had a bye.
Team of the Week was Tait Rogers, Mally Schutz, Greg Post and Jake Pfitzner being up by an awesome 27 shots!
The Club Draw was won by Mike Rees.
There is a bowls tea this Saturday night 27th February – come and support your club.