Eudunda Bowls Ladies Host Successful Tournament 17th November 2023

Last Friday in glorious weather, Eudunda Ladies hosted a successful annual tournament.
Patroness Betty Marshall welcomed everyone and officially opened the day and Tournament Director Pam Dutschke announced that fourteen teams were in attendance and thanked our valuable sponsors for the day. Caddyshack was in attendance luckily, even though he had a mishap while travelling to Eudunda.

Front L-R: Winners – Waikerie’s Judy Strauss. Jenny Morley, Maxine Morley, Lorraine Watkins
Back L-R: Runners Up – Kapunda’s Charmaine Hansen, Michelle Atkins, Gloria Bowden, Kate Jenkins.
The Ladies in the kitchen provided a beautiful meal of barbequed marinated chicken and salad, followed by Eton Mess for dessert! Good bowling was displayed, and umpire for the day was Ruth Scoot.
The Spider raised $82 for Prostate Cancer, and was won by Kath Trembath of Lyndoch. A fanning of the cards prize of a calendar was also supported by a generous gift voucher to each of the recipients from Caddyshack.
The winners of the first round were Balaklava’s Ann Hillman, Sarah Richards, Raelene Bastian and Joy Milton; second round winners were Two Wells with Irene Giannokos and her team; and third round winners were Renmark’s Julie Dopson, Penny Brown, Di Beer and Jocie Cooper.
The overall winners were Waikerie’s Maxine Morley, Lorraine Watkins, Jenny Morley and Judy Strauss; and runners-up Kapunda’s Kate Jenkins, Michelle Atkins, Charmaine Hansen and Gloris Bowden.