Eudunda Books Presented To SA Parliament Research Library

L-R: Dr. John Weste, Dot Boner, Delilah Balmer, Samuel Doering
On Thursday 21st June 2022, several Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery volunteers travelled to Parliament House to donate books based on the Eudunda area to the South Australian Parliament Research Library.
When one of our volunteers, Samuel Doering, donated his first book to the Library in November 2021, it was discovered that no other books relating to Eudunda were in the collection; Thursday’s visit rectified this!
The Gallery donated thirteen local history books, from general histories of Eudunda and Robertstown, to more specific histories of the Eudunda Show, Eudunda Hospital, Eudunda Club, Hundred of Julia Creek, Brownlow and more.
We hope these books help our MPs gain a deeper insight into the rich history of our area.
The visitors gave a bit ‘Thank you’ to Dr. John Weste for giving them a tour of the extraordinary collection at the South Australian Parliament Research Library.
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