Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Round 2 Open Soon

Many thanks to the Yorke & Mid North Regional Development Board and the Regional Council of Goyder for passing this Federally funded opportunity on to our local businesses.
The grant supports businesses to upgrade or replace inefficient equipment to improve their energy efficiency.
This is a demand driven grant opportunity, grants will be awarded to eligible applicants on a first come, first served basis in order of application receipt, until the funding is exhausted. All applications are subject to an assessment against the eligibility criteria and are not automatically approved.
The Grant Opens for SA – Friday 23 February 2024 12.00pm ACDT
The minimum grant amount is $10,000, and the maximum grant amount is $25,000.
The amount allocated to South Australia is $ 2,293,631.
The grant amount may be up to 100 per cent of eligible expenditure.
Please note that the grant closes on the 8th of April 2024
Eligible expenditure items are:
- Energy monitoring
- Power supply
- Lighting
- Heat Pumps
- Process automation and controls
- Reconfigure/ Optimise Processes
- Upgrades to motors/ including for compressors/ pumps/ fans/ conveyors/ mixers and blowers
- Building fabric upgrades
- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
- Commercial refrigeration
- Compressed Air Improvements
- Water Heating
- Other process heating, cooling, drying and pumping improvements
The funding is being administered by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR), with the Commonweath policy entity being Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).
Best place to find out more is at Business – Government web page for this grant (click to go there)
Appendix B of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines document lists all eligible activities.
Please note solar panels and batteries are not eligible.