Department of Health & Wellbeing – Meningococcal Case – Latest Report 9th April 2024

Another Meningococcal Case reported, this time a 29 year old female from metropolitan Adelaide is in a stable condition in hospital, suffering from invasive Meningococcal disease serotype B.
Sysmptoms and signs of Meningococcal disease can include headache, fever, vomiting, neck stiffness and discomfort when lookin at lights. A skin rash may occur with tiny red or purple spots that soon spread and enlarge to look like fresh bruises. At later stages of the illness, people may develop confusion and shock.
In additon, children may be fretful, difficult to wake and refuse to eat. They may have leg pain, dold hand and feet, and a high pitched or moaning cry. Children may also have pale, blotchy or abnormally coloured skin.
Vaccines are available.
More information a the SA Health Website